This is article is spot-on, Daniel! Population exchanges have been used throughout history to solve disputes between ethnic groups and are considered a humane alternative to the other options-war and genocide. They are indeed legal under international law. By the way, Trump’s idea is voluntary, for all you out there who are freaking out about this. Any Gazans who wish to leave Gaza ought to have the right to do so. I think they should be resettled in the Arab countries, Indonesia or Latin America. Egypt and Jordan in particular have a moral obligation seeing as you know, they helped cause the Nakba and have an Apartheid against Palestinians, to help them. Plus they’d be living much better lives and would have a better quality of life if they left Gaza. Gaza is a war-torn, poverty stricken area not fit for man or beast. Those who want to stay should be allowed to. Also, you make a good point how can those in the Pro-Palestine camp simultaneously claim Gazans to be native to the land but also somehow refugees at the same time? It makes no sense. I believe President Trump’s idea that the United States should run the Gaza Strip is a best and most practical solution to the problem. The United States should do a temporary military occupation and governance of Gaza with a clear and established timeline of how long we’d be there and when we’d leave. An American Governor-General should be appointed to run Gaza. The populace should be de-radicalized and the strip de-Hamasified. Humanitarian services should be supplied to the people of Gaza, land mines and other unexploded ordinance cleared, infrastructure rebuilt, children educated not to hate, a future Gazan police force and military trained, and medical clinics set up. No Jewish settlers should be allowed to build homes in Gaza and Israel can’t be involved in any way.

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Why shouldn’t Israelis be allowed to settle in Gaza if they want to? Isn’t it racist to exclude them?

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Thanks for this insightful piece.

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Spot-on article, as usual, Daniel. Trump could just shrug and respond, 'What are you all complaining about? It's what you've been wishing for over years for Israelis with your 'River to Sea' banners.'

In fact, if international law and ethnic cleansing were at issue, then why weren't those banners questioned or even banned years ago?

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Excellent point about the banners

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How is it possible to be a refugee since 1948? It's not Maybe its time to change the narrative and find these people to find a place to live in peace instead of producing another generation of non-productive terrorists!!

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Oh dear me Daniel don't you know by now, that the haters of joos, Israel and Zionism cannot accept the truth!

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All the "open air prison" assholes suddenly want no escapes from their imaginary gulag.

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Brilliant analysis! Thank you!

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Great article, clearly explained, thanks.

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Welcome clarity amid the current atmosphere of fabrication and outright lying.

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Should have been done in 1967. But the UN wanted to create what is happening today. It is planned.

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For the first time in their lives, Palestinians may actually have a chance in life. However, there is an adage that has held true and been proven out before; “The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity”. Let’s hope there’s a first time…

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"Trump's plan to evacuate Gaza does not violate international law"


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Thank you so much!

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Coming to America?

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Douglas Murray suggested Egypt and Jordan:


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Well I think given it’s Don’s ideas he would put them up somewhere?

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Another Shit Kike!

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