The accusations may be preposterous and even illegal, but the danger to Israeli citizens is very real. Here's what you need to know and what you can do about it.
Hypocrisy and duping to the extreme - hamas and hezbo self-proclaimed war criminals masquerading under ngo calling out others as “war criminals”. How come they haven’t been arrested under the same laws/rules?
I’m afraid these international groups like the UN have to go and then we need to bring down these Muslim organisations
It's a world-wide pogrom
Hypocrisy and duping to the extreme - hamas and hezbo self-proclaimed war criminals masquerading under ngo calling out others as “war criminals”. How come they haven’t been arrested under the same laws/rules?
Hahaha 😂
Ironic that many of the very same South American countries that welcomed Nazi war criminals post WWII would now arrest Israelis soldiers today.
This seriously took my breath away. So angry!
I’ll be contacting my representatives.
Your people are welcome in the state of Montana in the United States at my home.
I’d be pleased to render whatever assistance I can.
Worship at the synagogue of Satan, do you ?